Archive for the ‘Engagements’ Category

We seem to have a real knack for shooting in fairly extreme conditions. Having already conquered shooting in far less than desirable conditions (read: hurricane Sandy), we knew that shooting in 50mph wind was going to be a challenge. We had a really special couple coming to shoot with us – but we were worried that the wind was just going to be too difficult (and uncomfortable) to shoot in. I had tentatively stepped out on the dock to see what it was like, and was nearly blown off – it was that bad! Luckily for us, Rosemary and Blaze were game to push on. While I was dressed like Ralphie in A Christmas Story Rosemary managed to look effortless (and completely beautiful) – luckily I was not the one getting photos taken on that day!

While we were a bit limited by the wind and essentially had to hide behind a small building for cover – Rosemary and Blaze were truly amazing and really did make this shoot look like just another day at the beach (it wasn’t! trust me!). If they made 50mph winds in December look gorgeous, I can only imagine how wonderful they are going to look in their wedding photos! Weather aside, these two were so in love that it just made these photos glow!

Check out the full set on our site:

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